DIY Bug Repellent

June 03, 2016 TressaFM 0 Comments

Temperatures are soaring here in Southern California which means a few things: it's pupsicle season, it's pool season, and it's BUG season! I have been trying to slowly and gradually rethink the products I use and their impact on the environment and my body, and bug spray is one of those things that has always eeked me out. Misting my skin in a thick layer of sticky chemicals before going out and enjoying nature just seems strange to me! But it's time to combat the critters, so I did some research and came up with this DIY Bug Spray using all essential oils that naturally repel bugs and also happen to smell fantastic.

Here's my recipe:

2 tbs witch hazel

2 tbs sweet almond oil (or other carrier oil)

1/2 tbs vodka (works as a preservative)

50 drops eucalyptus oil

20 drops lavender oil

15 drops bergamot oil

10 drops lemon oil

Putting it together is just as simple as measuring and mixing. I put mine into these cute 2oz glass spray bottles from Amazon, which worked perfectly for me.  Be sure to shake the bottle before spraying, as the oils can become separated. I got most of my info from this blog, which gives you a variety of ideas for bug repelling essential oils! Mix and match to create your own personalized scent!

I am neither a doctor nor a veterinarian, so if you are uncertain about using any of these ingredients on yourself or on your pet, do your own research or speak to a professional! Pregnant women, children, nursing mothers, etc, all take extra precaution when working with essential oils. I am comfortable using this concoction on my pup, but even dogs can be sensitive. Koa hates anything that sprays, so I apply this to her by spraying some on my hands and then rubbing it onto her ears and neck area. She tolerates it much better than chemical bug sprays, which are especially harsh on a dog's sensitive nose. You can also remove the collar, harness, or backpack and spray it down before placing it back on your dog. Be very mindful of sensitive noses and eyes.

I made a few batches of these as Mother's Day gifts for my mom and stepmama (may sound like a strange choice, but they are both outdoorsy ladies!) and they loved it, especially since the scent is so much more pleasant than a traditional bug repellent.

Let me know in the comments if you've tried and enjoyed the recipe, or if you've come up with a creative modification!